Sacred Gatherings

Cindi regularly hosts online workshops and seminars and leads live gatherings to support individuals in their quest for spiritual advancement.  Watch this website and follow Cindi’s social media sites for announcements about upcoming gatherings.


  • January 2019 – December 2019 Awakening and Embodying the Mystic – Online Program

Join me for a year-long online program via ZOOM MEETING that will assist those who are ready to step into living an authentic mystical and alchemical life. We will meet twice a month with exception of JULY and AUGUST where we commune online only once each summer month.  Each night we will discuss specific topics centred around ANCIENT TEACHINGS. Consider this a unique and powerful online MYSTERY SCHOOL that can change one’s life. Join my newsletter to receive the announcement of this special online offering starting in mid-January 2019.

  • May 17 – May 24th, 2019 Inclusively  – You are invited to join us on A Sacred Journey to Mexico

Join us for a 7-night sacred journey through the Yucatan lands in Mexico led by Cindi and Bob Johnston (Shaman Practitioners). We will enjoy sacred conversation,  ceremonies and two “timeline” workshops as we travel and visit the Ancient Temples of the Maya and the relocated Atlanteans. The land and the energy of this area is beneficial in both personal healing and awakening to the divine mind. If interested, please email Bob at: for more information.

  • Saturday, November 17, 2018  7 PM – 8 PM A Free TIMELINE Management Presentation and Book Signing (Doors open at 6 pm)
    Marda Loop Communities Association (MLCA)
    3130 16 St SW, Calgary, Alberta T2T 4G7
  • Saturday, April 28Timeline Discovery Workshop in Bragg Creek, AB
    9 am – 9 pm
    Cost $155 + GST Per Person Description: We will meet in the sacred lands and the gateway to the Rocky Mountains in Bragg Creek to delve in and discover why our lives are unfolding the way they are. And we will engage in alchemical practice to make course corrections where desired

  • Saturday, January 6, 2018: Shifting Timelines Book Talk and Signing
    Time:  11 am – 1 pm (Talk Begins at 11:15 am)
    Location: Soul Food Crystal and Books, 3-213 19 St NW, Calgary, AB

  • Wednesday, January 10,  2018: Shifting Timelines Book Presentation & Setting Intentions for 2018
    Time: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
    Location: Calgary Dowsers Meeting, Inglewood Community Hall, 1740 24th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB
    Guests: $13 | Members $10  (includes refreshments, snacks)

    Oct. 27 – 29, 2017: Spiritual Retreat with Cindi Johnston, Field, B.C. (SOLD OUT)





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